
All proposals will have two evaluation instances: Format and Content.


In order to carry out an efficient, equitable and transparent evaluation, it is crucial that all proposals comply with the established format, are submitted within the established time limits and contain the minimum required information. This is a mandatory requirement and those that do not comply will be automatically rejected. In these cases, the Proposal Leader will be notified via email. The format to be followed is detailed in the section of the same name.


Each Community Advisor (CA) must perform a content evaluation of each of the proposals submitted in Iteration 0.

The CA shall evaluate the proposal considering four criteria:

  • Auditability

  • Adaptability to the challenge

  • Feasibility of realization

  • ALDEA's Mission

It is auditable

The proposal presents a detailed plan, with a clear and concrete beginning and end. The milestones are defined, delimited and have no ambiguity in all their stages, and each of them has a measurable success criterion.

The proposal presents a budget according to the work to be done, where each of the tasks is identified and has an assigned amount of money. In addition, there is a transparent way to demonstrate the use of funds, both for goods and services. The final result of the project is easily verifiable and it’s very difficult to commit fraud.

It adapts to the challenge

The proposal is fully aligned to the challenge where it is registered. It proposes to add genuine value and lacks personal interest.

The objective of the proposal is clear, realisable and generates a positive impact on society or the ecosystem (according to defined challenges).

Priority will be given to proposals that aim to solve a root problem and not function as a palliative.

It is feasible to carry out the proposal

The declared team has the necessary experience and skills to carry out the proposal (demonstrable). There is a diversity of roles to cover each of the tasks and stages of the project. Each team member has a key role and tasks assigned in the detailed proposal plan.

It is aligned with ALDEA's Mission

The proposal is completely in line with ALDEA's values and mission:

"To enable change in Latin America by creating an ecosystem that will allow people to come together to communicate, self-govern, produce and trade as a Decentralized and Autonomous Community, with no third parties and with no central entities that may exercise any type of censorship in these interactions."


To each of the evaluation criteria, the CA will assign a score from 1 to 5, which will mean how well the proposal complies with the evaluation criteria:

  1. Does not comply

  2. Minimally complies

  3. Partially complies

  4. Moderately complies

  5. Fully complies

Once a CA completes the evaluation of a proposal, that CA’s final score for the proposal will be:

SCA1=(C1S+C2S+C3S+C4S)/4SCA1 = (C1S+C2S+C3S+C4S)/4
  • SCA1: Score Advisor 1

  • C1S: Criterion 1 Score

  • C2S: Criterion 2 Score

  • C3S: Criterion 3 Score

  • C4S: Criterion 4 Score

After all CAs evaluate the proposals, the overall proposal score will be:

OPS=(SCA1+SCA2+...+SCAn)/CAnOPS = (SCA1+SCA2+...+SCAn)/CAn
  • OPS: Overall Proposal Score

  • SCA1: Score Advisor 1

  • SCA2: Score Advisor 2

  • SCAn: Score Advisor n

  • CAn: Total number of CAs

Finally, the Overall Proposal Score (OPS) will be informed to the community prior to the start of the voting stage.

Last updated